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Saturday, 15 July 2023
By: admindkv

DKV Study Program Participates in the National Coordination Meeting of ASPRODI DKV Indonesia

Program Studi DKV Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Universitas Trisakti berpartisipasi dalam Rakornas ASPRODI DKV Indonesia diadakan di CRCS ITB pada tanggal 12-14 Juli 2023. Rakornas ini dihadiri oleh sekitar 80 kaprodi DKV dan perwakilan perguruan tinggi membahas terkait Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL). Prodi DKV @dkvusakti dalam kegiatan ini diwakili oleh Agus Adhityatama, S.Sn, M.Ds (Kaprodi DKV), Yosua Reydo Respati, S.Ds, M.Ds (Sekprodi DKV), Virginia Setiadi, S.Sn, M.Ds (Ketua Bidang Pengembangan Organisasi ASPRODI DKV), Dr. Elda Franzia Jasjfi, M.Ds (Ketua Bidang Pengembangan Wilayah ASPRODI DKV).

ASPRODI DKV with a team of formulators processes the review and formulation of DKV study program objectives and CPLs that are contextualized to answer DKV challenges in the future such as international recognition, technological developments, industry links and matches, cross-disciplinary research collaboration, PKM equity, MBKM programs, and downstream academic work, as well as other relevant challenges. The Chairperson of ASPRODI DKV, Dr. Intan Rizky Mutiaz, said that the improvement of SLOs was realized by considering these needs and conditions. This activity was attended by the Dean of FSRD ITB, Dr. Andryanto Rikrik and Yuke Sri Rahayu, Director of Culinary, Craft, Design and Fashion, Kemenparekraf RI. Another resource person representing the National Assessor explained how important the role of the study program’s role in collaboration and multidisciplinary, especially related to research hiliration, industry collaboration and MBKM.

This Rakornas is expected to be a guideline for DKV study program heads throughout Indonesia in compiling the curriculum in their respective universities by adding elements of uniqueness to each region. The activity was closed with an appreciation night for ASPRODI DKV partners, including professional associations related to animation, games, graphic design to collaborate in the future in strengthening the competence of graduates and the development of DKV.

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